Die 4Kb Klasse verbrachte ihre English-in-action Projektwoche in St. Johann. Hier einige Fotos und Berichte darüber:

The lessons were very interesting and funny. Everyday we played games with Owen. Owen was our teacher for the week. At first the games were a little boring, but then they were good fun. After lunch we had sports with Owen, Frau Prof. Buchroithner and Frau Prof. Dorn. We played “rounders”. It’s a great game, it’s like baseball, that’s why I like it so much. After sports we had dinner. In the evening after dinner we worked on out EiA project. Every group invented their own planet. Our one’s name was “A.L.E.N.”.

Besides the project we did a show in two groups. In the evening we made a campfire. That was the best thing of the week I think. Everything was great and I think that I can speak English very well now. It was great fun.

Our English in Action Week!
Our E.i.A. week was in St. Johann in Pongau. We were there for five days. We arrived at 10:45 am. At 11 am we had out first lesson with our native speaker Owen. Our lunch was at 12 pm. After that we had one more lesson and there we started with our show. For this activity Owen split us into two groups. Then we had some spare time and at 6 pm our dinner started. After that we had one hour to work on our project. Everyday in the morning we had four hours of English, but before we had this, we had breakfast. Every afternoon we did sports. On Tuesday our evening activity was to paint t-shirts. On Wednesday we learned a new game which is called “rounders”. Later on we played “Interplanetary Olympics”. On Thursday we had a campfire. There we sang songs and played games.
On Friday we presented the show and the project. At 11:15 am we went to the railway-station. I think it was great fun. 

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Wir wünschen allen ein gutes neues Jahr 2025!

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(1. Klassen 25/26) 

Schulautonome Tage im Schuljahr 24/25
Dienstag nach Ostern: Di. 22.4.2025
Freitag nach Chr. HF: 30.5.2025
Freitag nach Fronleichnam: 20.6.2025

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